
Tonight is Halloween.  If you do decide to celebrate Halloween, below are some tips that should help you have a fun and a safe evening. 
1.  Make sure your children's costumes don't drag on the ground.
2.  Make sure they can see and breathe properly through any mask.
3. Make sure the bag or container they will collect their candy in is strong and sturdy.
4. Make sure they are dress warm or cool enough depending on the weather.
5. Their shoes should be comfortable.
6. If your children are small, put them in a wagon and pull them around.  Small children get tired of walking.
7. Another important tip is to make sure their costumes are fire proof.  There are accidence with lit jack-o-lanterns and other dangers.
8. Make sure everyone can be seen in the dark.  Bring a flash light if you need it.
9. Make sure a responsible adult is with your children as they go from house to house.
10. Ask a group of friends to go trick or treating with you.  It is a lot of fun for the kids.
11. Check the candy and treats before letting your children eat anything.  Make sure it is factory wrapped and if not, just throw it away.
12. If you have young children, take the candy and give it out in small amounts.  There are a lot of tummy aches after Halloween.

Have fun!
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A Healthier Lifestyle

Why not decide to take steps for a healthier lifestyle? Stop eating fast foods and save money at the same time. Sit down and make up everyones favorite menus and shop from that list. You may find a real chef in the making. Make sure you include fruits, vegetables, meat or protein, dairy, and grains every day. Everyone in the family will feel better and have more energy. When you eat healthier, the doctor's visits should decrease and physical activity should increase. So, make that list of menus today and start living healier!
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #39

Teachers report that the most frustrating behavior they have to deal with is disrespect. This is when students are interrupting others, shouting out answers, or talking back to adults. Disrespectful students cause more interruptions, and forces the teacher to put lesson plans on hold to deal with them. Nearly half of the teachers say they spend more time controlling their classroom then teaching.  This brings us to tip #39.

Tip#39:  Make sure your child is has acceptable behavior at school.

Teach your child that paying attention and being respectful is expected behavior. Teach your child that sitting up straight, making eye contact with the teacher, folding hand hands while listening, and not daydreaming will increase their concentration. Set example for your child by being a good listener yourself. Maintain eye contact as you speck to your child, show interest in what your child is saying, and do not interrupt the child when they are speaking.

According to Stacy DeBroff, author of "The Mom Book Goes To School", you can increase your child's concentration skills by playing games:
1. Ask your child to recite as many colors, states, songs, animals, pop singers, or football players, as possible in 30 seconds.
2. Have your child describe what he smell when you are cooking, what he sees on the way to school, and what instruments are in songs on the radio.
3. Play the take-away at the dinner table. Everyone close their eyes except one person, who removes an object form the table. Then the others open their eyes and guess what is missing.
4. Practice listening skills by making up stories together in the car. Take turns adding one sentence at a time, and see how long you can make the story.
5. Work on classroom manners by playing school at home. Play the badly behaved student, waving your hands in the air to be called on and shouting out answers, as a way to comically get the point across.

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #38

Kids poke fun at one another. It's just what they do. Our instinct as parents may be to immediately stop the behavior and try to protect our kids from it, but, some teasing is critical to our children's social development, and some teasing can be considered bullying.  That brings us to tip #38.

Tip #38:  Understand when you child is being teased or bullied.

When kids make fun of their friends without aggression or any intention of hurting their feelings, it's called positive or productive teasing. This kind of behavior, says Mill, a communications professor at the University of Alabama, helps kids build relationships and use humor to address taboo topics or handle sticky situations. According to Dacher Keltner, a psychology professor at the University of California, Berkeley, 60 to 70 percent of the teasing young kids do is positive.
Teasing Vs. Bullying
1. Teasing is misunderstood because it is often confused with bullying, which has a strictly negative impact.
2. The way to distinguish between the two is by intent.
3. The goal of teasing is to create a closer relationships and make connections.
4. The goal of bullying is to harm.
5. Teasing turns into bullying when kids use it to gain greater social status.
6. It has been found that 4-5 year old will bully to increase their social power.
7. Even the most positive teasing turns sour if it goes to far.

Definition: Teasing Vs. Bullying
When both people are equal in size, intelligence, and age and are having fun, it's teasing. But when the two aren't equal and one is more poplar, bigger, or powerful, the exchange is out of balance, it's bullying.
If your child tells you his/her classmates called him/her ugly, don't just jump in to assure them they are beautiful, says Mills. "As soon as you do that, you've let them become victimized." Instead, listen to what they say, and then help them come up with a plan to address it the next time it happens. If you want more information, don't ask your child directly if he's being teased. Instead a question that can be answered in the second or third person. How do kids joke around these days? Or, what is teasing for kids today?

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #37

Another important person that you need to get to know at your child's school is the PTA president and other officers.  These people can help you with most questions and can help advise you on handling many situations at the school.  This brings us to tip #37.

Tip #37:  Get to know the PTA officers and their objectives for the school year.

The PTA's National Standards for Family-School Partnerships is very simple.Your school's PTA officers should be able to tell you their goals for the year.  Below are a six step program that the National PTA suggest you can follow to stay on track with parent involvement at your school and PTA. 
1. Make all families feel welcome. Greet other parents at school activities and events. If needed recruit bilingual parents to greet and interpret for families whose first language isn't English. Offer families activities at low cost or no cost and try holding meetings in various community locations (such as the local library, community center, or churches).

2. Communicate effectively. Design and print "Happy Grams" as an easy way for teachers to regularly report positive behavior and/or achievements to parents. Consider using color-coded lines or footprints on hallway walls or floors, to help direct parents to the office, library, or parent resource center. Include two-way communication mechanism, such as a question-and -answer section or mini survey, in each edition of your newsletter. Distribute calendars so parents can record upcoming events, assignments, and dates to check with teachers on their child's progress.

3. Support student success. Create a checklist and tip sheets for effective parent-teacher conferences. Invite teachers and professionals from the community to speak at meetings. Provide parents involvement tips and suggestions.

4. Speak up for every child. Match new families with a buddy family that knows the ropes. Plan workshops on how to ask the right questions about children's progress and placement. Involve parents in ongoing training on topics such as effective advocates, identifying and supporting learning styles, and fostering student achievement.

5. Share power. Working in partnership with principals and identifying ways the PTA/parent group can support one or more goals of the school improvement plan. Host a forum for candidates running for public office and focus on issues that affect children, families, and education. Get to know elected officials at all levels of government.

6. Collaborate with the community. Reach out to senior/retired citizens and invite them to volunteer at the school. Work with the local newspaper to promote special events that are happening at the school. Invite school alumni to make donations to the school or volunteer time.

These are some of the PTA's national standards for 2010-2011.  Find out what your local school's PTA standards are for the school year.  It will help you to get involved and stay informed.
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #36

For a school to truly be effective and successful, a very important ingredient is the leadership of the school, and that is the principal.  The principal must have a vision for the school,, and that he/she can get the faculty, staff, parents, and students to buy into that vision. This brings us to tip #36.

Tip #36: Get to know the principal of your child's school.

Principal: The principal runs the school and sets the tone and culture for the entire school. The principal solves problems, creates rules, polices the students, manages the staff, acts as mentor, evaluates classrooms, and most importantly, constantly communicates and empowers everyone from teachers to parents to the school board. Find out if there is a meet the principal time or set up a small breakfast with some other parents and get to know the principal.  Ask him or her questions about the school and the vision for the future.  This meeting should tell you a lot about the school and how it is being managed.

To find out the type of questions you should ask the principal, order my book, "A Parent's Handbook: How to Get the Best Education Possible K-6 Grades, from http://www.besteducationpossible.com/ .  I hope everyone's school year is off to a good start and you are trying to do something everyday to make sure all children are getting the "Best Education Possible".

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #35

There is no better gift in the world than to give "LOVE".  So many children and adults are angry, depressed, and unhappy this moment because they've had no one to show them this most important lifeline.  This brings us to tip #35.

Tip #35: Show and tell your children you love them.

When I was growing up we had a very close loving family. I knew I was loved and supported, but we rarely said the words, "I love you". When my mother was diagnosised with terminal cancer we found these words easier to say for the first time. Now my father and sisters say it to each other and to our children and grandchildren all the time. It is just ashame that it took something like illness or death to see the importance of telling people you love them. I'm not saying use the words until they are almost mechanical, but using them to really express feelings and emotions. Our children need hugs and to hear the words, "I love you".  This teaches them how to express true feelings of emotions. How you treat and express feelings at home is exactly how your child expresses him/herself at school and in public. So, why not show and tell your loved ones today that you love them?  It really doesn't hurt and it will make your family closer and emotionally healthier! 

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My Mommy Has Breast Cancer!

What do you say to a child when they ask questions about breast cancer?  It is not an easy subject to address.  Many people try to ignore the fact that children are aware and concerned about a loved one  battling this dreaded disease.  Well, Kerri Conner, a young mother, had to tell her 2 year old about her breast cancer, and wrote a children's book entitled, My Mommy Has Breast Cancer, But She's Ok.  It is a wonderful piece of children's literature to start the conversation and explanation about breast cancer or any other disease. 

  Her mother, Anita Conner, is also a breast cancer survivor and she has an inspiring story also.  A portion of the book's proceeds goes toward supporting breast cancer awareness and education in under-served communities. So, remember ladies, have a check up/mammogram today.  Your family needs you!  To order the book and find out more about Kerri's experiences with breast cancer go to www.mymommyhasbreastcancer.com .
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #34

A child needs to have self-confidence.  In order to develop this all important character in your child is to get him/her involved in an activity that they are interested in and show real promise.  That brings us to tip #34.

Tip #34: Get your children involved in extra-curricular activities that will build self-confidence.

Mastering a skill at an early age builds confidence and self-esteem. When a child is able to play an instrument, draw or paint, perform ballet or tap, or any other number of individual activities they foster and grow their earned sense of accomplishment and develop a sense of self and pride. Group activities also have an important place in a child's development, but when they can master something individually, they are empowered and reinforced with an unequivocal self-confidence builder. The sense of individual confidence and ability begins a familiarity with earned success that will be needed later in life as they grow up and their world's become more complex and demanding. So, whenever possible have your child participate and master an activity that they alone can demonstrate excellence. It will pay big dividends in their future. Some more examples include: golf, tennis, gymnastics, photography, bowling, singing and chess.

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #33

We must teach our children to have self-control. They must be able to control their anger and manage any conflict they are confronted with in life. Building self-confidence and teaching children to cope with stressful situations is extremely important.  This brings us to tip #33.

Tip #33:  Teach your children to have self-control.

Our children must have self-awareness and set realistic goals with realistic timetables to complete these goals all while managing frustration, set-backs and disappointment. Raising our children to have self-control means modeling self-control in our every day lives. We will never have children who manage anger properly if we don't show them how. Teach them how to accept criticim, admit mistakes and know the difference between right and wrong. Teach them how to respectfully stand up for themselves and when to stop and perhaps count to ten or even to one hundred if necessary. Let them know we all learn from our mistakes and we can continually work to improve our behavior and self-control at all times.

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #32

So many times we miss the beauty and blessing that are right in front of us. If you just pause a moment and open your eyes, you may be surprised at the jewels around you. This brings us to tip #32.

Tip # 32: Teach your child to enjoy the beauty that surrounds them.

We are so busy moving back and forth that some times we forget to see the roses in our path. Stop for a minute and look around! Look at all the wonderful people and things you've been blessed to encounter. Stop and take a deep breath! Smell, feel, touch, and experience your surroundings. Teach your children to stop and appreciate nature. You can really miss so much moving blindly through life. Open your eyes and look around. There is beauty everywhere! There is beauty in a child's smile, in the eyes of a loved one, the wag of a dogs tail, and the wings of a butterfly. So, stop right now and experience the beauty around you.  These are lessons and moments that will keep you and your child throughout life.
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #31

There are times we all worry about something.  The problem comes when you are unable to handle your anxiety and pass it on to your child.  This brings us to tip #31.

Tip #31: Don't pass your worries and anxieties to your children.

Children of worried and fearful parents become withdrawn and are at greater risk for anxiety disorder. When a teacher encounters a worried anxious child, it is almost assured that when they meet the parent there will be a worried anxious adult. These parents are usually over-protective and the child is unable to do many things independently. These children can many times be afraid to take risk or make mistakes. The worst part about these types of children are they usually are overprotected and are more likely to seek out unhealthy thrills as teens and young adults.

Parents make sure you are not passing on your anxieties and fears to your child. It will continue through generations and generations. So, worried and fearful parents get help and stop the cycle now!

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #30

An estimated 70 million American infants, children, and teens are sleep deprived. Could your child be one of them? Studies show that sleep deficits can contribute to hyperactivity, distraction, forgetfulness, learning problems, illness, accidents, and disruptive behavior. Yet, despite overwhelming scientific evidence, the connection between children’s sleep habits and their behavior and health problems has remained, largely unrecognized. That brings us to tip #30

Tip #30: Make sure your child is getting enough sleep at night.

According to Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, in her book Sleepless in America, parents are often weary and frustrated with managing challenging behavior. She explains that often what our misbehaving kid really need is not more “consequences or more medication, but more sleep. When we choose sleep, we choose a happier, healthier, and more successful life for our families. To read more practical strategies to help your family get the sleep it deserves and needs get Mary’s book, Sleepless in America

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Riding On Empty

In this busy world it is easy to forget to take a little time for yourself. You need to refuel and fill up your tank to keep driving down the winding roads of life. Many people don't realize how they are riding on empty. In order to be the best person, spouse, parent, friend, and worker you must spend a little time by yourself. Reflecting and growing personally. Why not meditate, get a manicure or pedicure, listen to soothing music, take a walk in nature, curl up with a good book, or go to the hairdresser and get a new style? Simply do whatever will fill your tank, just take the time and do it. Your children will see a more content and happy person, and they will feel more at peace. What a wonderful gift to your family.

Some more ideas: start a small garden, take a class on something you really want to learn more about, learn to play an instrument, read or write some poetry, pull out the camera and take some photos of everything, paint a picture, or take up a new activity like golf.  You will have more to give your family if your fuel tank is full.
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Stay Organized!

You and your children’s wardrobe can always look its best, if you have what’s needed for fast fixes at the ready, according to an article in the October 2010 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine. Start by corralling your mending supplies in a small kit or box. Below are some ideas to get organized.

1. Mending Essentials - The basic kits: all- purpose polyester thread (white, beige, black, and navy), various sizes of needles, scissors, a seam ripper, safety and straight pins, dental floss, measuring tape or ruler, fusible webbing, craft glue, and garment chalk.

2. Shoe-In - Help your shoes maintain their shape with DIY shoe trees, crumpled odor-absorbing newspaper for sneakers or flats, and rolled magazines for boots. Keep an emery board nearby to buff stains from suede (gently rub across spots to refresh the nap) and Swiffer-style sheet to dust seldom worn shoes.

3. On The Go - Store these helpers in your bag or at the office: stain-fighting wipes or a pen, like GH Seal-holding Tide to Go (when using , work from the stain’s edge inward to avoid spreading the splotch); garment tape to secure a fallen hem or gapping shirt for a day; clear nail polish to stop pantyhose runs; and a lint roller (tape works in a pinch).

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #29

Research and strong writing are two skills that will be very important in your child’s education.   A way to build on those skills at home is to research your family’s history.  That brings us to tip #29.

Tip #29 Researching your family tree and include the whole family.

There is an old saying “you don’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been.” Researching your family history can be both fun and rewarding for everyone in the family. There are Web sites (ex. Ancestery.com)  that will get you started. Going to talk to senior family members and getting “oral history” and photos are important. Looking up old documents, obituaries, letters, and cards can bring your families history to light. You and your children will find it fascinating and hopefully interesting to visit ancestors from the past. You may find out you come from royalty!
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #28

Taking pictures and putting them together to tell a story is a great way to bond with your child. Scrap booking has become very popular and you can make it as expensive or inexpensive as you wish. This brings us to tip #28.

Tip #28: Make a memory book of photos with your child.

Taking old photos from before birth to present day and making a memory book can be a fun project to work on together. Explaining to your child the milestones they accomplished can be eye opening and inspirational. Tell them about their temperament and fun stories that they can not remember. Decorating the book can make it original and personal. Add short scripts that explain the events of each photo. Every year add to the photo history of your child and it is something that can be shared with their children and grandchildren. It is time well spent that will never be forgotten and it’s something fun and meaningful.
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #27

School has started and should be in full swing.  Hopefully, you have met your child's teacher and had a short conference to inform him/her of any important information about your child, and letting the teacher know you are there for support.  Very soon if not already, a teacher conference should be scheduled to let you know how your child is doing so far.  It is very important to go to all conferences, and this brings us to tip #27.

Tip #27: Be prepared for conference with questions, concerns, and cooperative support.

A parent conference can be very intimidating.  If you are prepared with questions and ready to help support the teacher in the success of your child school work, a teacher-parent conference can be less stressful.  Below are somethings you should write down and get the answers to.
1. Leave all negative feelings at the door.  Go in with a positive attitude with the objective of assisting the teacher to help your child meet success in the school year?
2.What are the teacher's priorities, objectives, and expectations for this grading period and the next?
3.How much homework is given and how much assistance does the teacher want from the parent?
4.If you find out there are some behavior concerns ask, "When does the behavior happen?" "Can we make some kind of behavior plan so that the behavior can be turned around?" "How can I help?"
5. In confidence share any changes or concerns that are going on in your child's life, so the teacher can understand and look out for any changes in behavior or mood.
6. Make sure you give and get contact information so you can stay in touch with one another.

To get more information and questions on how to handle a parent-teacher conference, order my book, A Parent's Handbook: How to Get the Best Education Possible K-6 Grades. at www.besteducationpossible.com.
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #26

With children and teens spending so much time socializing on the Internet, taking pictures with their cell phones, and communicating with strangers from around the world, parents must be sure their child is practicing computer safety. There are predators and scam artist waiting to take advantage of anyone they can. This brings us to tip #26.

Tip #26: Make sure your child is practicing computer safety.

So many times parents and children are unaware of the dangers that are on the social networks. We have face book, tweeter, my space, and emails. The sad thing is that a lot of children (and sadly some adults) unknowingly or stupidly put personal information up on the world-wide-web for all the world to see.

When a friend or boy/girlfriend become angry, they will post private pictures, information, or insults about the person they are angry with. You need to make your child aware of keeping all personal and private matters off of the Internet. You must sit down and explain the dangers and set the boundaries. Let your child know that you will be checking their accounts to see that all rules are being followed. Also, put a block on any sites you don’t want your child or teen to have access to.

Below are some of the dangers you need to discuss with your child:
1. Talking to strangers that very well could be child predators.
2. Giving locations of where they live or where they will be.
3. Taking private pictures of themselves and sending them to boy/girlfriends.
4. Letting your child know that colleges and future employers will go on social networks before they accept applications for admission or job interviews.
5. Employers will also look at social pages to consider promotions.
6. If someone is bullying or using these networks in a negative way about your child, it is harassment. They must let you know so you can contact the school so it can be stopped.
7. If there is anything or anyone that makes your child uncomfortable, he/she must come off of the site and let you know immediately what happened.
8. Your child should never make arrangements for meeting someone they met on the Internet.
9. Anything put on the world-wide-web is there forever!!!!! That is extremely serious.
10.That you have a right  and will be checking all text, emails, social accounts, and site visited.  You must seriously keep an eye on your child's computer usage.

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How To Get The Best Education Possible:Tip #25

There is a way to build a positive relationship with your child,  build memories, and build self-esteem all at the same time. This will bring us to Tip #25.

Tip #25: Spend individual special time with each child

Try to spend special time with each child when it is only you and the child. It can be once a year, once a month, or once a week. This time should be planned and fun for both of you. It can be as simple as taking a walk or going to the movies. My great-aunt always took me to the Philadelphia Museum of Art every year from the time I was a little girl. I never forgot those special trips. My grandmother made sure she took me to hear the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra every season. My other great-aunt would take me into the city and buy me 3 outfits to start the school year. It made me feel special and very loved. I always knew my family loved me no matter what, and a great part of this was because of the special individual times they spent with me. Parents should come up with a traditions of spending individual special time with each child. Ask grandparents, if at all possible, to do the same. This is so your child can always look back at these times as special just for him or her. It will be lasting memories, relationship building , self-esteem boosting, as well as time well spent .

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Outsmart Breast Cancer: Part II

According to an article in the October 2010 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine, 38 percent of breast cancer cases could be prevented with diet, exercise, and weight control.  Yesterday's blog hit on watching weight gain, incorporating certain veggies in your diet, taking vitamin D, and avoid excess hormones.  Today we will look at 5 more tips on preventing breast cancer.

5. Back away from the bar: The reality is that the more alcohol you consume, the greater your odds of getting breast cancer possibly because it raises estrogen levels.  The consensus among health groups is to limit consumption to one drink or less per day.
6. Race for the prevention: Being physically active, it turns out, could be the single best thing you can do to protect your health.  For a start, regular aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  This will help control weight, but it also acts directly on body chemistry to lower levels of circulating insulin and estrogen. 
7. And keep on going: Surviving and thriving after diagnose may also depend on stepping up the pace.  In a review of six studies involving 12,000 breast cancer patients, researchers found that regular exercise could reduce disease recurrence by 24 percent, breast cancer deaths by 34 percent, and overall deaths by 41 percent.
8. Don't miss mammograms: When government-sponsored task force announced last year that it didn't think there was enough evidence to subject women in their 40s to regular mammograms, and that women in their 50s could be screened every other year.  A major 2009 study reported that three-quarters of breast cancer deaths occurred among women who did not undergo regular screening.
9. Assert your individuality: Public health guidelines focus on the population as a whole, but to protect your health, you need to get specific.  You may need a stepped-up screening schedule if, for example you've ever had a breast biopsy (even if benign). Likewise, if you are at increase risk due to family history, you may need more frequent exams or screenings with MRI.  Make sure your doctor knows your family history (father's as well as mother's).
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Outsmart Breast Cancer: Part I

October is breast cancer awareness month.  According to an article in the October 2010 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine, states that no matter what age you are now, or what generation you belong to, it's not too early, or too late, to take steps to avoid the disease.  Below are 4 of the 9 steps that make a difference from eating the right vegetables, to taking the correct supplements.

1.  Watch out for weight creep:  If you could still fit into your high school prom dress (with Spanx, if necessary), you're in good shape in more ways than one.  Woman who have gained between 21 and 30 pounds since age 18 have a 40 percent increase risk of breast cancer compared with those who have put on five or fewer pounds, an American Cancer Society study found.
2.  Embrace cauliflower: Recent research seems to show that adopting a pattern of eating that includes lots of fruits and vegetables is beneficial.  When Colorado State University scientist took a second look at the famed Singapore study, the research that initially pointed to the Asian-style diet found that even among Chinese women, those who ate more "vegetable-fruit-soy" diet had a lower risk of breast cancer than woman whose plates contained less of these.  The veggies that seemed to to the most good: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale.
3. Swallow a super supplement: In a Canadian study involving more than 6,000 women, those who reported taking a daily dose of vitamin D were 24 percent less likely to develop breast cancer. The science is not definitive, but evidence is growing that women with adequate vitamin D blood levels have a lower risk of breast cancer than those whose levels are below normal.
4. Avoid excess hormones: Most women are aware that hormone therapy has been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.  But studies have also found that birth control pills raise your chances slightly, at least while you're actually on the Pill (the risk starts to go down when you stop taking it; after 10 year, it's the same as it would be if you'd never been on the Pill).

Stay tuned for tomorrow because there will be 5 more preventive measures you can take to help in the battle against breast cancer.  We as women and mothers must take care of our health for the sake of the family.  By the way, men are known to get breast cancer too.
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #24

The kind of relationship you build with your child can be for a lifetime of good or bad memories. Your child will remember the time you spend together doing the small things. Why not do something together that is meaningful and fun. That brings us to tip #24.

Tip #24: Start a hobby or a collection with your child.

Talk to your child and find out their interest and passion. Try to come up with something you both would truly have fun doing. Write down some ideas and narrow it down to just a few. Decide on the one idea  you both would love to build, collect, paint, photograph, or study. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money and many hobbies can turn into money making ventures. Below are some ideas.

1. Collect stamps, coins, leaves, baseball cards, dolls, small toy cars, stuffed animals, etc.

2. Build model cars, airplanes, bird houses, doll houses, doll furniture, wooden toys, etc.

3. Take art classes for painting, drawing, sculpturing, etc.

4, Study photography and start taking pictures

5. Scrap booking or journaling

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #23

In today’s society it is extremely important to get the “Best Education Possible”. What a parent must do is be committed to being their child’s advocate and cheerleader of education. Which brings us to tip #23.

Tip #23: Make education a priority in your home.

A parent must be committed to making sure their child is getting the “Best Education Possible“. You must be totally informed about the school or program your child will be involved in. This goes for families who decide to home school, or attend public school, or private school. You should know how successful other students have been who completed the program or attended the school. If you home school, talk to other parents who have used their program successfully. Ask for tips and advice on how they were successful in home schooling their children. If you are going to a public or private school, have a meeting with the principal and teachers. Write out the questions you want answered. Ask to go on a tour of the school while the children are in classes. This should give you’re a good sense of the learning environment and academic standards of the school.

You must talk to your child and let him/her know what your expectations are for their academic journey, and never accept less than their best work and effort. More importantly you must have realistic expectations for your child. Know your child’s strengths and weaknesses and truly know what your child can and cannot achieve. Become a positive partner in your child’s education and don‘t let anything discourage you because your child’s education is too important.

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #22

We all want our children to be happy, independent, and successful adults. This is not just going to magically happen. There will be years of directing, correcting, and nurturing before your children will be able to stand on their own. Here is a tip that should help your children become all they can be. That brings us to tip #22.

Tip #22: Have your child write down goals.

Sit down with your child at an early age and write down goals for him/her to achieve. These goals should be measurable, obtainable, and achievable. Make sure the goals are challenging, but not frustrating or overwhelming. For example, a young child may agree to learn all their ABCs and basic colors by a specified time. An older child may agree to read a chapter book or pull up their grades. You should agree to support the goals in anyway possible. Draw up an agreement and have your child sign, you sign, and another witness sign. Revisit this contractual agreement often as needed to keep your child on schedule to meet the goal/s. This will teach your child that through hard work and stick-to-itness, goals can be reached and anything they can imagine can be obtainable.

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #21

There is nothing more important in a child’s life than building memories. Things happen every day that are forgotten. If you and your child start to journal at least once a week it can be a treasure for years to come. That is bring us to tip #21.

Tip #21: Journal with your child.

Journaling can be a really rewarding and educational experience for you and your child. It will help him/her learn to develop strong written communication skills. When a child can put their thoughts and experiences on paper, it is both empowering and inspirational. Have them start with just short entries of the important and memorable experiences of the day or week. This will soon turn into longer entries and ultimately their work will become a life story. It will be fun to share and look back on, as well as a journal of memories. It is a perfect bonding activity and can be a family project until the kids can journal for themselves.

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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #20

In today’s world of credit cards and debit cards, children no longer get a chance to see a cash transaction. This brings us to tip #20.

Tip #20: When purchasing something with your children, make cash transactions whenever possible.

It is hard to believe that a lot of children today never get to see cash transactions. Every once in a while take some cash and let your child see you give the money and the cashier make up the change. Talk about how much the purchase was, how much money was given, and how much change was given back. Make sure your younger children know what a dime, nickel, and quarter looks like and what each are worth. It will be very important in your children’s understanding the true worth of money.
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Drop Pounds Being an Environmentalist

How is it possible to drop pounds by being an environmentalis? According to an article in the October 2010 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine, if you or your child is trying to slim down, your surroundings make a world of difference. When Cornell University researchers surveyed 200 dieters, they found that those who altered their environment while eating, stuck to their diet for about two more days per month. Simply by using smaller bowls and plates, and turning off the TV, the “environmentalist” lost slightly more weight. Those subjects who tried to change what they ate (more fruit, for example) or their dining habits (eating smaller meals overall) didn’t lose as much.

Why change your scene to get lean? Making one big decision like replacing large dinner plates with smaller
Ones is easier than trying to resist temptation every single time you eat a meal, the researchers suggest. This smaller plates and bowls will also teach your children to eat smaller portions.

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Snack Attack

According to an article in the September 2010 issue of Better Homes and Gardens, kids need to eat healthier snacks that they will eat and not throw away. Below are some suggestions from the article:

1. Prezelcrisps: They come in fun flavors and have no saturated fat, no trans fats, and no cholesterol. They are a bit high in sodium. $2.49 at Walmart.

2. Popchips: Which have half the fat of regular potato chips. They are popped not baked. $2.99 at Target or Safeway.

3. Riceworks Snack Crisps: These are tortilla chips and have the texture and taste of tortilla chips, but made with healthful brown rice. $2.50 at major chains.

4. Bissinger’s Gummy Pandas: Healthful ingredients plus organic syrup and sugar. $14 for 1 lb. bag at bissingers.com

5. Kashi bars: Snack bar that contain no artificial flavors and made with whole grains. $3.89 at supermarkets nationwide.

6. Trader Joes: Trail mix that is awesome. $4.69 traderjoes.com
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How To Get The Best Education Possible: Tip #19

How you allow you child to respond to request and demands makes a world of difference in how he/she response to others. This is tip #19.

Tip #19: Make sure your child response to your request and demands on the first time you make it.

You can not imagine how much time is spent in the classroom making some children realize you should only make a request one time. So many children are not expected to respond the first time and the parent ask the same thing two and three times before the child feels it is necessary to even listen. This behavior is brought to the classroom and is very disruptive and time consuming. It is very simple to resolve. Make sure your child understand that when you or anyone else is asking them to perform or do a certain task, it is to be done immediately and no exceptions or questions “why?” are acceptable. This simple request will give your child an easier time adjusting in school and will help build a good working relationship with their teacher.

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