10 Tips For Parents

Most parents want to be the best parent they can possibly be. Getting the "Best Education Possible" is a large part of a parent's responsibility. Below are 10 suggestions from my book, A Parent's Handbook: How to Get the Best Education Possible for Your Child K-6 Grades:

1. Ensure your child is at school every day he/she can be there. Arrive on time. When children arrive late they miss important information and the teacher usually has a routine that gets the children ready for the day.

2. Be a good, positive, role model. Speak positively about school and the teacher. Make sure your child understands the importance of doing their best work. Remember your child is always watching you and will follow your lead.

3. Make sure your child gets 8-12 hours of sleep every night. When children are tired, they cannot learn new concepts or do their best work.

4. Make sure your child's clothes and self are neat and clean. Teeth and hair should be brushed daily. Children and teachers notice when a child is not physically managed well. It also helps a child's self-esteem to feel good about their appearance.

5. Turn the TV/Computer/Video Games off during the week and talk to your child. Listen to your child and show interest in what they say. Read together every evening and make it a habit.

6. Try to eat dinner at the same time every evening and discuss the day with your child. Studies show children who sit down and eat meals with family members do better in school.

7. Help your child feel loved with praise, hugs, and kisses. Never expect too much or too little from your child because it will result in frustration for you and your child.

8. Discipline when necessary. Be consistent. Always focus on the behavior not the child. Children are not "bad" they sometimes do "bad things". When you constantly make a child feel like they are "bad", they certainly will live up to your expectations.

9. Stay involved with your child's interest and know your child's friend. Monitor facebook, myspace, and other social networks. Make sure your child is aware of all the dangers and pitfalls that come with these sites.

10. Spend personal time and love and enjoy your child. They grow up so fast. Make sure your child is getting some physical exercise outside of school. Ride bikes, take walks, or play ball and build strong relationships with your child when they are young, and as they get older it will hopefully pay off.
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